IPWMT - Day 4

John Hajda's presentation on the history of the Comprehensive Musicianship movement in US adds a new dimension to the issue of developing WMT. I like the way he clearly keeps the distinction between teaching music majors and non-majors: what should be taught depends on your goals.
His second presentation which involves an intro to music perception was also great! The distinction he draws between different frames of reference--physical, psychological, and musical--is very helpful indeed. His example of theoretical octave vs perceived "stretched" octave certainly stretched my understanding of music perception. Looking forward to his concluding session tomorrow. Systematic musicology (which is John's background) does have something interesting to offer to WMT.
Brenda's presentation basically reiterated her central concern for cultural meanings; she spoke of cultural embodijment in musical concepts. Her problematizing of various terms--what is theory? timbre? form? meter? (different fr cycles)--is helpful, but curiously, she does not problematize the keyword "music".
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