Blogging Assignment for Jan 08
Choose a song from the popular music, musicals, or film music repertoire (ethnic music is possible, but subject to the approval of the instructor). Analyze to comment on various interesting aspect(s) of the song—e.g. wordsetting, harmony, form, phrase structure, rhythm, accompaniment, etc.
You will each be assigned about a month to post your analyses. During your assigned period, post a minimum of two entries as well as respond to any peer comments/questions that come your way. During your ‘lull’ periods, you need only respond to fellow students’ blog postings. At the end of the semester, you will need to reflect on and summarize your learning.
As the teacher, I will play the dual role of participating as an ordinary member of this learning community as well as facilitating the whole process to ensure a good level of fruitful discussion.
Completion and submission deadline: 6 Apr 08
Labels: Class admin
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